Friday, June 26, 2009

Let's get some discussion going here.

The industrial revolution was neither industrial nor revolutionary. Discuss.

The young kids won't get that.

But here's a question - what is Ironman going to give you?

I'll tell you honestly that I don't have any idea right now. I know that triathlon has forced me to confront demons and work on the anxiety that I've carried around with me my entire life. I know that when I'm fit and active I have a mental peace that amazes me even now. I know that if I have my race brain on and I'm out there competitive, living in the moment, and focused well, then, it's just for me the best way to truly be alive.

I think Ironman, as an extreme version of triathlon will deliver up something new.

Any thoughts?


Tammy said...

Hi Susie! I was waiting to see what some others might say, as my personal answer to this question is not uber-inspirational, and not what people usually want to hear.

The IM experience is different for everyone, but one central theme seems to be the increase belief in one's ability to accomplish goals, and take risks. As the tag line says, 'Anything is possible'. If you have a corporate job, take a look around you and you'll probably see a lot of people who have settled into life, and are just waiting for something exciting to happen to them. Taking on the man of Iron is a way of shaking things up, and challenging yourself for no other reason than "it's there". It's a way to prove to yourself that hard work pays off. For many, accomplishing this goal feeds over into other life decisions, and I think leads to a more fulfilling existence. Carpe Diem.

Duane said...

For me it is seeing how far I can go. Most of my life I was afraid to take risks, afraid of a lot of things. Threw away a possible football career by quitting school because I was so into drugs, partially a redemption for my soul. I want to show my daughters that big goals can be met. I settled fro so long and I don't have many years left, I am 52, I want the next 20 to be incredible and I of course want to see my girls for a long time. Fitness and health will make that possible (I almost was dead in the beginning of 2006 at almost 500 pounds). Triathlon motivates me to keep going.

Fe-lady said...

For me it's having a loved one at the finish line as my first IM experience was sad and lonely. (The race actually was fun and beautiful!)

Just wanna "do" one more before I am too old! :-)