Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How we doin' folks?!

So now that we all have an extra hour of daylight...I just wanted to see how we're all doing with the training front. :)

So. How goes it!?

My plan doesn't officially kick off until April 1st. So until then I'm just working on getting my rear in gear. I'd be interested to hear if any of my fellow midwest folks are participating in any organized century rides this year...with Coaches plan of "a century a month" we'll be doing a bit of traveling to get the distances in...and I'd love to meet up with any of you fine folks...


Molly said...

The real question is, how can I get you out to California to do a century with me HERE in September or October? :)

Iron Jayhawk said...

I think YOU should come HERE and do Apple Cider Century with me on my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! :D Whoop whoop!!

Brandy said...

Denver has a century on June 7, 2009. I'm not up for the 100 miler..so I'm slacking off and riding 62 instead. :)

Best of luck to you all! I'm jealous that you can sit your a$$ on a bike for 100 miles already!

Iron Jayhawk said...

Brandy...I've got Udder Century on my radar that same weekend in Southern Wisconsin...I'm probably going for the metric century, too...or maybe the 75.

I won't be primed for a true century until July probably.