Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm a Jayhawk. In case you couldn't tell.

Okay...I won't leave Molly hanging anymore...

Hi! I'm Barb!

Here's 20 fun little things about me.

1. I'm a massively huge Kansas Jayhawks fan. Massively huge is an understatement.
2. I live in Chicago with my hubby (IM Louisville vet), fat tabby cat Wrigley and my fantabulous black pug, Phog.
3. We live in a 1 bedroom condo in a high rise (with a whopping 900 square feet)...which poses a lot of unique challenges with space and setting up the trainer.
4. I like to procrastinate.
5. But I'm working hard to change that and start getting my workouts in before the workday begins.
6. My hours can sometimes be a little wonky...I work 9-5 in advertising, but most folks in the biz know that often the days can be something like 7am-midnight depending on the season and client.
7. Molly's constant stream of Facebook Status Updates motivates me to workout (thanks, girl!)
8. I haven't ridden my bike since...uhmm...hrmm...(considering I can't remember, is that a problem?)
9. If I were stuck on an island and only had 3 albums to listen to for the rest of my life I'd bring Self's Gizmodgery, Smashing Pumpkins MCIS and Radiohead's The Bends.
10. I am a back of packer...and I love it.
11. I will likely be arriving to the finish line at 16:59:59. That gives all of you fine folks PLENTY of time to go a power nap...and then come back to bring me on home.
12. In 2009 I am one of two IronRookies that the Stay Tuned Report will be following during training and racing.
13. I like to flirt with folks during if someone is screaming that yer buns look great in spandex as you whiz by on the bike, it was probably me.
14. I collect vinyl records...i love the sound and quality in comparison to CDs.
15. I am the antithesis of a girly girl...but I'm hardly a tomboy.
16. After 3-4 years of running I still don't consider myself a runner.
17. Biking is easily the weakest of the three disciplines for me...however I'm looking to make massive improvements on this front.
18. My hidden talent is that I can fold my tongue in half...front to back.
19. On tabs for this season will be Steelhead, Great Illini half, the Trek women's sprint, Apple Cider Century Ride, a short road race or two, and then...of course...Ironman Arizona.
20. We are all going to be IMAZING!!!!!!!!


Molly said...

Wahahahaha, laughing at your whole list but esp #13.

Molly said...
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Duane said...

Hi Barb, welcome! Sounds like a 12-step greeting. But then again, as 21st Century mom says when someone crosses their first triathlon finish line: "Welcome to the crackhouse!"

Molly said...

I just finally listened to your podcast - awesome interview!